boolean 기초 질문
예제를 풀다가 다음과 같은 문제가 나왔습니다.
일반적인 코딩이라면 할 수 있으나 boolean ~~~ = 이런 식으로 된 문제는 너무나도 생소해서 어떤 식으로
답을 써야하나 고민이 되서 질문을 드립니다.
suppose you have a person class with instance variables of the following types and names:int ageinyears
int salaryindollars
boolean ismale
int kidcount
boolean ismarried
double avgweeklyhoursworked
int birthmonth
int birthyear
boolean drinkscoffeecomplete the following assignment statements with an appropriate boolean expression using
the variables listed above.(a) a person is ason is a teenager if he/she is between 13 and 19 years old, inclusively.boolean isteenager =
(b) a person is a bachelor if he is an unmarried man.boolean isbachelor =
(c) a person is busy if he/she has children or typically works over 45 hours a week on
average.boolean isbusy =
(d) boolean notborninoctober1990 =
(e) a person can have children if he is male. a female can also have children if she is less
than 45 years old and does not drink coee.boolean canhavechildren =
아... 그냥 조건만 쓰면 되는건가 보네요??
코딩은 이런 식으로 하지 않는 것 같아서 그냥 조건만 쓰라는건지 코딩을 하라는건지 굉장히 헷갈렸습니다. ㅜㅜ;;; -
boolean isTeenager = 13 p.ageInYear && p.ageInYear 19;
이런식으로 조건 연산자를 써서 하라는거같은데요?