항공사에서 영문 메일이 왔는데 확인 한번만 해주세요...
You have chosen to travel with us in the coming months and we thank you.
Here are some important information concerning your trip. We invite you to read them carefully before departure.
The check-in desks and luggage drop-off from Paris and Lyon airports to Naples now close 40 minutes before your flight departure. Please do not take into account the information indicated in the documents that were sent to you previously.
To save time we invite you to check in online 24 hours prior your flight departure, and to go the boarding gate if you have no hold luggage.
이런 메일이 왔거든요..
제가 보기엔 그냥 평범한 체크인안내 발송 메일같은데
뭐 다른 문제가 생기거나 그런거 아니죠...?
아~ 감사합니다! ^^
맞아여~ 뱅기 출발 40분 전에 체크인 마감한다는거랑, 온라인 체크인 서비스 있으니 쓰라는 내용이요!