세컨 비자 질문 좀 드릴게요;;;
질문 좀 드릴게요..
비자 만료가 내년 3월인데...
세컨 빨리 신청하면 엑스레이 안 찍어도 될 확률이 많아진다는;;;;;;
그런 소릴 들어서;;;;;;;;;
일요일에 신청을 했었거든요~...
근데... 오늘 메일 확인을 해 보니....
이런 메일이;;;;;
저..... 엑스레이 찍으러 가야 하는 건가요;;;????ㅜㅠ
그리고 또.... 무엇을 해야 하는지.... 알려주세요^^;;
Dear Applicant,
This email relates to your 2nd Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa
application lodged with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
Health Examinations Required
Before this visa application can be decided you are required to obtain a
chest x-ray. To arrange appointments for these examinations you need to
contact your nearest Health Services Australia (HSA) authorised doctor via:
· HSA’s telephone number 1300 361 046
You will need to take Form 160 with you to the appointment along with your
current passport. Links to the Form 160 on the departments website are
below for your convenience. For guidance please refer to the Onshore
Health Instructions document which is also attached below.
Form 160: Radiological report on X-ray of an applicant for and Australian
Important: Please note chest xrays and medical examinations not undertaken
via HSA cannot be accepted and you will have to complete your medicals
Evidence of Specified Work
As part of your visa application, you are required to provide evidence of
specified work.
For specified work undertaken after 1 May 2005, details of employment
should be recorded on Form 1263 Working Holiday: Employment Verification.
This form has been provided below and is also available on our website at(See attached file: 1263.pdf)
For specified work undertaken before 1 May 2005, please provide other
documentation as evidence of your work. This may include payslips, PAYG
Summary sheets, tax returns (ATO group certificates) and employer
This information can be provided by postage mail to:
2nd WHM Centre
Cairns Regional Office
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
PO Box 1269
Cairns QUEENSLAND 4870
This information must be provided within 28 calendar days of this notice.
If the requested information is outstanding after this date, a decision
will be made on your application on the basis of the information already
If you are unable to complete your health examinations in this time frame
you are required to inform us by email via: 2ndWHM.helpdesk@immi.gov.au.
Bridging Visa
You have now been granted a Bridging Visa A. If your current visa
application has not been decided by the time your last substantive visa
ceases to be in effect, the Bridging Visa A will come into effect. The
purpose of a bridging visa is to allow an applicant to remain lawfully in
Australia until a decision is made on their visa application.
The Bridging Visa A has the same work conditions as those on the
substantive visa you held at the time of application.
As you were in Australia at the time of making your application, you must
be in Australia at the time a decision is made on your application.If a
need to travel overseas arises during the processing of your application
please inform the Department prior to travel so that we can advise you of
the available options.
Kind regards
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