It was late on Tuesday night, and the driver was bringing the illegal imigrants through the Texas hit to Houston, from where they would fanned out to packing plants and restaurants all over the country. For this, they had to pay a huge sum of money. They were crammed into the dark, sealed and airless trailer. Oxygen ran up fast and soon they were grasping for breath. Eighteen of them died
아 진짜 이 늦은 시간에 죄송한데여 친구가 급하다고 해서 내일까지인데
여기서 스펠링 틀린거랑 문법상 잘못된것을 골라내야한데여
좀도와주세여 ㅠㅜ
완벽하게 도와주시는분 8월달 음악파일보내드릴게여
(혹시 이런글 올리면 안되는 거면 바로삭제하겠습니다)
난초 2024-12-09
18명이 죽었다는게 아닙니다. 에이 씨X 죽었다. 이거지여.. ㅋㅋ 농담
우울녀 2024-12-09
근데 진짜 18명 죽었나요?
비사벌 2024-12-09
음... 전혀 쉬운 영어안같아....ㅠ0ㅠ
모은 2024-12-09
저도 보내주실거죠 ㅎ ㅎ
모두가람 2024-12-09
빛초롱 2024-12-09
It was late on Tuesday night, and the driver was bringing the illegal immigrants over the Texas border. In Houston, the immigrants departed for packing plants and restaurants throughout the country. The immigrants paid a huge sum of money to come to the U
메이커 2024-12-09
ㅎㅎ 고마워요
도리도리 2024-12-09
감사합니다 내일내로 보내드릴게요
초코맛캔디 2024-12-09
It was late on Tuesday night, and the driver was bringing the illegal immigrants over the Texas border. In Houston, the immigrants departed for packing plants and restaurants throughout the country. The immigrants paid a huge sum of money to come to the U
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