FCFS, SJF, Round Robin 관련한 코드인데 고수분들 답변부탁드려요
제가 봐도 너무 길고 난해한 코든데 cpu scheduling simulation에서의 FCFS, SJF, Round Robin
을 c로 구현한 것인데 고수님들 각각이 어떤식으로 구현된 건지 간략하게 설명해주세요~~
#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include time.h
#include windows.h
#define MAX_que 50
#define CPU_time 50
typedef struct process process_pointer;
typedef struct process
process_pointer *next; // next process
int pid; //process id
int burst_time; //cpu burst time
int arrive; // arrive time
int wait; // waiting time
int turnaround; // turnaround time
int work; // executed time
int remain; // remain time
} process;
process_pointer *head = NULL, *tail = NULL, *ready_head = NULL, *ready_tail = NULL,
*fcfs_h = NULL, *fcfs_t = NULL, *psjf_h = NULL, *psjf_t = NULL,
*rr_h = NULL, *rr_t = NULL;
void Menu();
void Scheduler_Selection(int select);
void Make_Process(); // process create process id, priority, arrive time...
void Add_Queue(process_pointer *temp, process_pointer **h, process_pointer **t);
void Process_Output(process_pointer **temp);
void State_Result_Out(int time, process_pointer **ready_head, process_pointer **node_head, int flag);
void Process_Result_Output(process_pointer **temp);
void Sort(process_pointer **h, process_pointer **t, int algorithm);
void Copynode(process_pointer *h, process_pointer *temp);
void Copyqueue(process_pointer **node, process_pointer **node_head, process_pointer **node_tail);
void Result_add(int falg, process_pointer **ready_head);
void Nonpreempt(int flag);
void Preempt(int flag);
void R_Rpreempt(int flag);
void FCFS(); // First-Come, First-served Scheduling
void Preempt_SJF(); // Preempt Sortest-Job-First Scheduling
void R_R(); // Round-Robin Scheduling
void Evaluation(); // each cpu scheduling algorithm evaluation
int process_num = 0; // process 개수
int quantum = 0; // quantum 값
void Menu()
int select = 0;
printf(\n\n **************************************************************\n);
printf( CPU Scheduling Algorithm Evaluation Simulation\n);
printf( **************************************************************\n);
printf(\n 0. Process Creation\n);
printf( 1. First-Come, First-Served Scheduling\n);
printf( 2. Preempt Shortest-Job-First Scheduling\n);
printf( 3. Round-Robin Scheduling\n);
printf( 4. Evaluation \n);
printf( 5. EXIT\n);
printf(\n **************************************************************\n);
printf(\n Select Number. );
scanf(%d, &select);
void Scheduler_Selection(int select)
if(select != 0 && select != 5 && head == NULL)
printf(\n Not creat process. Must secect number 1.\n);
// 선택한 scheduling Algorithms 함수를 호출한다.
case 0: Make_Process();
case 1: FCFS();
case 2: Preempt_SJF();
case 3: R_R();
case 4 : Evaluation();
case 5 : exit(0);
default: printf( Bad Command\n\n);
void Make_Process()
int i;
long seed; // 랜덤시 매번 다른 난수 발생
process_pointer *temp;
head = NULL, tail = NULL;
seed = time(NULL);
printf(\n Number of process : );
scanf(%d, &process_num);
while(process_num MAX_que)
printf( Smaller number of process...\n);
scanf(%d, &process_num);
for(i = 0; i process_num; i++) // process를 arrive time 순서에 따라 구조체로
temp = (process_pointer *)malloc(sizeof(process_pointer));
temp - pid = i; //process id
temp - burst_time = rand() % CPU_time + 1; // cpu burst_time 생성
temp - arrive = rand() % CPU_time + 1; // process arrive time 생성
temp - wait = 0; // wait time 초기화
temp - turnaround = 0; // turnaround time 초기화
temp - work = 0; // work time 초기화
temp - remain = temp - burst_time; // remain time = burst_time
temp - next = NULL;
Add_Queue(temp, &head, &tail); //queue에 삽입
// 생성한 process들의 정보 출력
temp = head;
printf(\n Produced process );
// process들을 arrive time 순서대로 정렬
printf( Ordering by arrive time );
Sort(&head, &tail, 1);
temp = head;
Process_Output(&temp); // 출력
Menu(); // process의 정보를 보고 어떤 scheduling algorithm을 쓸 것인지 결정
void Add_Queue(process_pointer *temp, process_pointer **h, process_pointer **t)
{ //queue에 process를 insert
if(*h != NULL ) (*t)-next = temp; //첫 노드라면 head에 연결
else *h = temp; //아니면 tail에 연결
*t = temp;
void Result_add(int falg, process_pointer **node)
process_pointer *temp;
case 1:
temp = (process_pointer *)malloc(sizeof(process_pointer));
Copynode(*node, temp);
Add_Queue(temp, &fcfs_h, &fcfs_t);
case 2:
temp = (process_pointer *)malloc(sizeof(process_pointer));
Copynode(*node, temp);
Add_Queue(temp, &psjf_h, &psjf_t);
case 3:
temp = (process_pointer *)malloc(sizeof(process_pointer));
Copynode(*node, temp);
Add_Queue(temp, &rr_h, &rr_t);
default: printf(Error);
void Process_Output(process_pointer **temp)
{ // 생성한 process 정보 출 정보 출력
printf(\n _____________________________________________________________ \n);
printf( Pid Arrival Burst Wait Turnaround Work Remain \n);
printf( _____________________________________________________________ \n);
for(;*temp != NULL; *temp = (*temp) - next)
printf( %2d %6d %8d %8d %8d %7d %6d \n,
(*temp) - pid + 1, (*temp) - arrive, (*temp) - burst_time,
(*temp) - wait, (*temp) - turnaround, (*temp) - work, (*temp) - remain);
printf( _____________________________________________________________ \n);
void State_Result_Out(int time, process_pointer **ready_head, process_pointer **node_head, int flag)
process_pointer *ready_node, *node;
ready_node = *ready_head;
if(flag == 1)
printf(\n ********** First-Come, First-Served Scheduling ************\n);
else if(flag == 2)
printf(\n ********** Preempt Shortest-Job-First Scheduling **********\n);
else if(flag == 3)
printf(\n ***************** Round-Robin Scheduling ******************\n);
printf(\n [time = %d]\n , time); // 현재 time
printf( Current excuting process );
if(ready_node == NULL)
printf(\n _____________________________________________________________\n);
printf( Pid Arrival Burst Wait Turnaround Work Remain \n);
printf( _____________________________________________________________\n);
printf(\n _____________________________________________________________\n);
printf( Pid Arrival Burst Wait Turnaround Work Remain \n);
printf( _____________________________________________________________\n);
printf( %2d %6d %8d %8d %8d %7d %6d \n,
ready_node-pid + 1, ready_node-arrive, ready_node-burst_time,
ready_node- wait, ready_node- turnaround, ready_node-work, ready_node-remain);
printf( _____________________________________________________________\n);
ready_node = ready_node-next;
printf(\n Ready Queue ); // ready queue
if(ready_node == NULL)
printf(\n _____________________________________________________________\n);
printf( Pid Arrival Burst Wait Turnaround Work Remain \n);
printf( _____________________________________________________________\n);
else Process_Output(&ready_node);
node = *node_head;
printf(\n Remain process );
if(node == NULL)
printf(\n _____________________________________________________________\n);
printf( Pid Arrival Burst Wait Turnaround Work Remain \n);
printf( _____________________________________________________________\n);
else Process_Output(&node);
void Process_Result_Output(process_pointer **temp)
printf(\n ____________________________________________________________ \n);
printf( Pid Arrival Burst Wait Turnaround Completion \n);
printf( ____________________________________________________________ \n);
for(;*temp != NULL; *temp = (*temp) - next)
printf( %2d %6d %8d %8d %8d %13d \n,
(*temp) - pid + 1, (*temp) - arrive, (*temp) - burst_time,
(*temp) - wait, (*temp) - turnaround, (*temp) - arrive + (*temp) - turnaround);
printf( ____________________________________________________________ \n);
void Copynode(process_pointer *h, process_pointer *temp)
{ // node를 temp에 복사
temp - pid = h - pid; //process id
temp - burst_time = h - burst_time; // cpu burst_time
temp - arrive = h - arrive; // process arrive time
temp - wait = h - wait;
temp - turnaround = h - turnaround;
temp - work = h - work;
temp - remain = h - remain;
temp - next = NULL;
void Copyqueue(process_pointer **node, process_pointer **node_head, process_pointer **node_tail)
process_pointer *temp;
for(; *node; *node = (*node)-next) // list copy
temp = (process_pointer *)malloc(sizeof(process_pointer));
Copynode(*node, temp);
Add_Queue(temp, node_head, node_tail);
void Sort(process_pointer **h, process_pointer **t, int algorithm)
{ // process들을 정렬
int flag = 1;
process_pointer *start, *mid, *end, *h1, *h2, *t1, *temp;
// bubble sort로 정렬하기 위해 맨앞과 맨뒤의 노드를 생성
h1 = (process_pointer *)malloc(sizeof(process_pointer));
t1 = (process_pointer *)malloc(sizeof(process_pointer));
(*t)-next = (process_pointer *)malloc(sizeof(process_pointer));
h1 - next = *h; // 맨앞과 맨뒤의 노드를 process들과 연결
t1 = (*t)-next;
t1 - next = NULL;
while(1 == flag) // bubble sort
flag = 0;
start = h1;
mid = start - next;
end = mid - next;
while(end != t1)
if(algorithm ==1) // arrive time에 따라 sort
if(mid - arrive end - arrive)
start - next = end;
mid - next = end-next;
end-next = mid;
flag = 1;
else if(algorithm == 2) // burst_time에 따라 sort
if(mid - burst_time end - burst_time)
start - next = end;
mid - next = end-next;
end-next = mid;
flag = 1;
else if(algorithm == 3) // remain에 따라 sort
if(mid - remain end - remain)
start - next = end;
mid - next = end-next;
end-next = mid;
flag = 1;
start = start-next;
mid = start-next;
end = mid-next;
*h = h1-next; // head를 설정
flag = 1;
h2 = h1;
while(1 == flag) { // tail을 설정
if(h2-next == NULL)
flag = 0;
*t = temp;
(*t)-next = NULL;
temp = h2;
h2 = h2-next;
// 필요 없으므로 free()
void FCFS()
{ // FCFS의 flag는 1
fcfs_h = NULL, fcfs_t = NULL;
void Preempt_SJF()
{ // Preempt_SJF의 flag는 2
psjf_h = NULL, psjf_t = NULL;
void R_R()
{ // Round Robin의 flag는 3
rr_h = NULL, rr_t = NULL;
printf( Insert quantum : );
scanf(%d, &quantum);
void Evaluation()
process_pointer *temp;
float aver_wait = 0, aver_turn = 0;
printf( Insert quantum : );
scanf(%d, &quantum);
fcfs_h = NULL, fcfs_t = NULL;
psjf_h = NULL, psjf_t = NULL;
rr_h = NULL, rr_t = NULL;
printf(\n\n ****************** Scheduling Evaluation ***************** );
temp = fcfs_h;
printf(\n\n First-Come, First-Served Scheduling );
temp = fcfs_h;
aver_wait = 0, aver_turn = 0;
for(; fcfs_h; fcfs_h = fcfs_h-next)
aver_wait += fcfs_h-wait;
aver_turn += fcfs_h-turnaround;
aver_wait /= process_num;
aver_turn /= process_num;
printf( Average Wate time = %.3f, Qverage Turnaround time = %.3f\n,
aver_wait, aver_turn);
temp = psjf_h;
printf(\n\n Preempt Shortest-Job-First Scheduling );
temp = psjf_h;
aver_wait = 0, aver_turn = 0;
for(; psjf_h; psjf_h = psjf_h-next)
aver_wait += psjf_h-wait;
aver_turn += psjf_h-turnaround;
aver_wait /= process_num;
aver_turn /= process_num;
printf( Average Wate time = %.3f, Qverage Turnaround time = %.3f\n,
aver_wait, aver_turn);
temp = rr_h;
printf(\n\n Round-Robin Scheduling );
temp = rr_h;
aver_wait = 0, aver_turn = 0;
for(; rr_h; rr_h = rr_h-next)b;next)
aver_wait += rr_h-wait;
aver_turn += rr_h-turnaround;
aver_wait /= process_num;
aver_turn /= process_num;
printf( Average Wait time = %.3f, Qverage Turnaround time = %.3f\n,
aver_wait, aver_turn);
void Nonpreempt(int flag)
process_pointer *node_head = NULL, *node_tail = NULL, *node, *ready_node, *temp;
int time =0, cpu = -1, exit_num = 0;
ready_head = NULL, ready_tail = NULL;
node = head;
Copyqueue(&node, &node_head, &node_tail);
while(exit_num process_num)
node = node_head;
while(node != NULL && node - arrive == time )
{ // process list에서 시간이 된 process들을 ready queue에 넣는다.
temp = (process_pointer *)malloc(sizeof(process_pointer));
Copynode(node, temp);
Add_Queue(temp, &ready_head, &ready_tail);
node = node - next; // ready queue에 들어간 process들은 process list에서 제거
node_head = node_head- next;
if(cpu == -2)
{ // ready queue에서 첫번째 process는 현재 수행하고 있는 process
// cpu == 2라면 수행하고 있던 process가 작업을 마친 것
cpu = -1; // cpu == -1이면 cpu가 놀게 된 상태
Result_add(flag, &ready_head);
ready_head = ready_head-next;
ready_node = ready_head;
while(ready_node != NULL)
if(cpu == ready_node-pid)
if(ready_node-remain == 1)
{ // 끝마치는 process
exit_num++; // 종료된 process의 개수
cpu = -2; // process가 종료
ready_node-turnaround = ready_node-wait + ready_node-work;
else if(cpu == -1) // cpu가 놀고 있다면
cpu = ready_node-pid;
if(ready_node-remain == 1)
cpu = -2;
ready_node-turnaround = ready_node-wait + ready_node-work;
{ // ready queue에서 wating하고 있는 process들
ready_node-turnaround = ready_node-wait + ready_node-work;
ready_node = ready_node-next;
State_Result_Out(time, &ready_head, &node_head, flag);
Result_add(flag, &ready_head);
void Preempt(int flag)
{ // Preempt scheduling algorithm
process_pointer *node_head = NULL, *node_tail = NULL, *node, *ready_node, *temp;
int time =0, cpu = -1, exit_num = 0; // cpu는 현재 수행하고 있는 pid
ready_head = NULL, ready_tail = NULL;
node = head;
Copyqueue(&node, &node_head, &node_tail);
while(exit_num process_num)
node = node_head;
while(node != NULL && node - arrive == time )
temp = (process_pointer *)malloc(sizeof(process_pointer));
Copynode(node, temp);
Add_Queue(temp, &ready_head, &ready_tail);
node = node - next;
node_head = node_head- next;
if(cpu == -2)
Result_add(flag, &ready_head);
cpu = -1;
ready_head = ready_head-next;
if(ready_head != NULL)
if(flag == 2) // Preempt_SJF-remain으로 정렬
Sort(&ready_head, &ready_tail, flag);
cpu = ready_head-pid; // ready queue에서 가장 앞에 있는 process를 수행
ready_node = ready_head;
while(ready_node != NULL)
if(cpu == ready_node-pid)
if(ready_node-remain == 1)
cpu = -2;
ready_node-turnaround = ready_node-wait + ready_node-work;
ready_node-turnaround = ready_node-wait + ready_node-work;
ready_node = ready_node-next;
State_Result_Out(time, &ready_head, &node_head, flag);
Result_add(flag, &ready_head);
void R_Rpreempt(int flag)
process_pointer *node_head = NULL, *node_tail = NULL, *node, *ready_node, *temp;
int time =0, cpu = -1, timequantum = 0, exit_num = 0;
ready_head = NULL, ready_tail = NULL;
node = head;
Copyqueue(&node, &node_head, &node_tail);
while(exit_num process_num)
node = node_head;
while(node != NULL && node - arrive == time )
{ // process list에서 시간이 된 process들을 ready queue에 넣는다.
temp = (process_pointer *)malloc(sizeof(process_pointer));
Copynode(node, temp);
Add_Queue(temp, &ready_head, &ready_tail);
node = node - next; // ready queue에 들어간 process들은 process list에서 제거
node_head = node_head- next;
if(cpu 0 || timequantum == 0)
{ // ready queue에서 첫번째 process는 현재 수행하고 있는 process
// cpu == 2라면 수행하고 있던 process가 작업을 마친 것
// timequantum == 0이면 할당받은 시간을 다 쓴 것
timequantum = quantum;
if(cpu = 0)
temp = (process_pointer *)malloc(sizeof(process_pointer));
Copynode(ready_head, temp);
Add_Queue(temp, &ready_head, &ready_tail);
ready_head = ready_head-next;
else if(cpu == -2)
Result_add(flag, &ready_head);
cpu = -1;
ready_head = ready_head-next;
if(ready_head != NULL)
cpu = ready_head-pid;
ready_node = ready_head;
while(ready_node != NULL)
if(cpu == ready_node-pid)
if(ready_node-remain == 1)
{ // 끝마치는 process
exit_num++; // 종료된 process의 개수
cpu = -2; // process가 종료
ready_node-turnaround = ready_node-wait + ready_node-work;
{ // ready queue에서 wating하고 있는 process들
ready_node-turnaround = ready_node-wait + ready_node-work;
ready_node = ready_node-next;
State_Result_Out(time, &ready_head, &node_head, flag);
Result_add(flag, &ready_head);
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