글의 흐름과 관계 없는 문장을 고르는 문제입니다. ^^
It is a common misconception that individualism means isolation―being alone, being outside society, but isolation is not the essence of individualism. ①In fact, the concept of individualism does not make sense in the absence of other human beings. ②Individualism is called “individualism” not because it leads the individual to seek a life apart from others, but because it asserts that the individual is the primary constituent of society. ③Individualism is one of the prime factors that have led to the superior economic progress in Western countries. ④Actually, a person who doesn’t listen to others and would rather do things in an inefficient way as long as it’s “my way,” is not an “individualist.” ⑤A true individualist wants the best for himself, but he does not deny that living and working with others is tremendously beneficial.
답이 궁금해서 그런데, 답이 몇번인가요? +_+
저도 3번을 했거든요...
최근에 시험 친 내용에서 나온 문제인데
까페에서 검색하니 나와서 답이 궁금해서 올렸답니다. ^-^
윽 진짜 3번이어야 하는데 >.< 감사합니다 ㅎㅎㅎ -
잘가다가 삼번에서 이상한소리를 하네용
잘읽었어요 틀리믄 안되는데ㅠ
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